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The zip file contains the code of the skeleton in "tmpl.txt", images in the folder "img”, JavaScripts in the folder "js” and the set of styles in "stylesheet (CSS).txt".
To adjust the design of the skeleton to your website in uCoz web service you need to:
1. Upload folders "img” and "js” to the root directory of your FTP server.
2. Copy the code of the styles "stylesheet (CSS).txt" and save it with the help of menu item "Design management (CSS)”.
3. Copy the code of the skeleton and insert it in the menu item "Template builder”.
Views: 2041 | Added by: Mass | Date: 30.06.2011 | Comments (5)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam lobortis massa sapien, non ultrices arcu. Aliquam pretium feugiat auctor. Duis feugiat pellentesque lorem, ut adipiscing leo ornare at. Nulla pharetra augue vitae lectus auctor vestibulum vulputate metus sollicitudin. Quisque quis felis mi. Nullam in purus lacinia augue porttitor cursus. Aenean molestie posuere risus sit amet pharetra. Vivamus cursus viverra venenatis. Ut feugiat pretium pellentesque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Views: 516 | Added by: Mass | Date: 29.06.2011 | Comments (2)

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